MOSFET stands for metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor and it is used to switch or amplify voltages in circuits. The purpose of a MOSFET transistor is essentially to control voltage/current flow between the source and the drain. The working principle differs based on the type of MOSFET.
Grove - MOSFET enables you to control higher voltage projects, say 15VDC, with low voltage, say 5V, on the microcontroller. MOSFET is also a kind of switch, but its switching frequency can reach up to 5MHz, much faster than a normal mechanical relay. There are two screw terminals on the board. One for outer power source and the other for the device you want to control. Grove - MOSFET will pass the power from one end to another when closed. But if the outer power source is absent, your device can still draw power from the microcontroller via the Grove interface.
Two screw terminals on board; one for outer power source, while the other for the device you want control over with
5V ? 15V voltage control
Plug and Play with Grove connectors
What is Grove?
Grove makes it easier to connect, experiment, and simplify the prototyping process. No jumpers or soldering required. We have developed more than 300 Grove modules, covering a wide range of applications that can fulfill a variety of needs. Not only are these open hardware, but we also have open-source software.
For all Grove users (especially beginners), we provide you guidance PDF documents. Please download and read through Preface - Getting Started and Introduction to Grove before your use of the product.
We prepared a blog What is MOSFET Transistor and How to use with Arduino? to help you get started the basics of MOSFET more easily!