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Containing 1x micro:bit and a Quick Start Guide in a single retail pack, this is the ideal option for makers to get started creating BBC micro:bit projects and inventing solutions (requires a USB cable for programming purposes, and a battery holder & 2x AAA batteries to power your BBC micro:bit if not connected to your computer - sold separately). The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that you can code, customise and control to bring your digital ideas, games and apps to life. Measuring 4cm by 5cm, and designed to be fun and easy to use, users can create anything from games and animations to scrolling stories at school, at home and on the go - all you need is imagination and creativity. The micro:bit is completely programmable. That means each of its LEDs can be individually programmed as can its buttons, inputs and outputs, accelerometer, magnetometer and Bluetooth Smart Technology. The micro:bit has a website full of coding languages, lesson plans, tutorials, and fun ideas
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Size: approx. 5cm x 4cm Weight: 8g Microprocessor: 32-bit ARM® Cortex? M0 CPU A 5x5 LED matrix with 25 red LEDs to light up and can display animiated patterns, scrolling text and alphanumeric characters Two programmable buttons. Use them as a games controller, or control music on a smart phone Rilevatore movimento integrato/accelerometro digitale 3 assi per movimenti: scosse, oscillazioni o cadute e utilizzato giochi moto-attivati Bussola integrata, magnetometro 3D per direzione e movimento in gradi e presenza di determinati metalli e magneti Bluetooth® Smart Technology. Connect the micro:bit to other micro:bits, devices, phones, tablets, cameras and other everday objects Cinque I/O ad anello con potenza (PWR), terra (GRD) e 3 x I/O Il micro: bit può leggere valori da sensori e controllare cose come motori o robot Connettore a 20 pin: Questo permette a micro:bit di collegarsi ad altri dispositivi come ad esempio Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Galileo e Kano attraverso un connettore standard Controllore Micro USB: Controllato da un processore a parte e con memoria stick da micro:bit a computer LED di sistema x 1 giallo Pulsante di sistema interruttore x 1
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