Package contains: 1 x Ultimaker S5 Printer + Air Manager + Maertz Cabinet
With the Ultimaker S5 3D Printer and Maertz Cabinet package, you get a complete stand-alone production environment with which components can be produced even in larger quantities. With its proven dual extruder system and reliable and intuitive ecosystem, the Ultimaker S5 offers a solution for more complex components or materials. With the right Air Manager, the printer's installation space can be enclosed, which simplifies the printing of, for example, fiber-reinforced technical filaments. In addition, the Air Manager offers protection against mechanics' interventions and filters exhaust air and any emissions that may occur. With the Maertz Cabinet, the printer can be flexibly moved and transported if necessary. The overall package thus builds its own footprint and does not take up table space.
Ultimaker S5 + Air Manager + Maertz Cabinet includes:
1x Ultimaker S5 - 3D Printer (including service and support)
1x Ultimaker S5 - Air Manager
1x Ultimaker S5 - Maertz Cabinet
1x Ultimaker Essentials