Introducing this new section on sustainability now!
Why a sustainability section? Because we are a company fully involved in the digital transition and Industry 4.0, and this is closely related to the green transition.
More and better use of digitization is essential to realize the decisive changes of the green transition.
The Brundtland Report
It all started in 1987 with the Brundtland Report, the first global report on sustainable development, written by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) for the United Nations. The report provided the definition of "sustainable development": development that is able to meet the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their ownneeds.
The 2030 Agenda
The UN then developed the theme to the signing of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is a set of 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) and 169 associated targets to be achieved by 2030.
A challenge at the global level: 17 goals from fighting poverty and inequality to building peaceful societies that respect human rights and combating climate change - the latest event of which, also of great media prominence, was COP 26 in November last year.
Some of the goals set are:
- Ensure health and well-being for all and all ages
- Provide quality, equitable and inclusive education and learning opportunities for all
- Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
- Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems for all
- Build a resilient infrastructure and promote innovation and equitable, responsible and sustainable industrialization
- Ensure sustainable patterns of production and consumption
- Promote actions, at all levels, to combat climate change
- Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development Protect, restore and foster sustainable use of the Earth's ecosystem
- Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development
Change starts with us!
They may seem like generic goals, but when delved into at the proper level they are rich in meaning, and just as complex to achieve.
Impossible? No!
These Sustainable Development goals require collaboration among governments, international organizations and world leaders.
Change, however, starts with us. At Compass DHM projects we are convinced that the difference can be made by individuals, who with their own determination and sense of responsibility will be able to cooperate to achieve them.
Everyone on earth - even the most indifferent and lazy person - is part of the solution.
Our planet is a unique place. Let us sustain it, to create a future with less uncertainty.
By acting as more responsible people, we can add a small contribution to an important transition. Each of the goals is interconnected: we cannot separate health from hunger, education from women's empowerment, fostering lasting economic growth from ensuring sustainable patterns of production...
Our actions today affect the lives of our children tomorrow.
We want to preserve the good that exists in people, places and the planet and end the problems that take away our hope.
For all this, 2022 will be for our company a beginning of a journey made up of small pieces, which we will discover together, as we go along.