Duet 3D designs and manufactures the full range of Duet control electronics, along with the advanced RepRapFirmware and DuetWebControl software.
Initially Duet 3D specialized on 3D printing control but is now expanding to other forms of motion and CNC control.
Duet 3D LTD is a U.K.-based company formed in 2019 as a result of a successful joint venture between Think3DPrint3D, one of Duet's original developers, and Esher3D, primarily responsible for firmware and add-ons.
These control boards are based on 32-bit ARM processors, running RepRapFirmware. The Duet family can be controlled via a Web interface, but also supports a touchscreen called PanelDue.

The main features of duet3D boards:
- Fast, quiet, high-quality prints: Powerful 32-bit processor - Super quiet stepper TMC2660 drivers - Multi-extrusion - High power output
- Network connectivity: Dedicated WiFi or Ethernet module - Wireless control - WPA-2 encryption for network security
- Easy to use: Most printers supported - Easy to set up - Settings via G-code
- Expandable: Additional units - Touch screen support - Advanced calibration support - Accurate temperature control
With the latest generation of cards, the company has affirmed its goal of making machine development unprecedentedly flexible and customizable.