Register an Account
Registering on our website is quick and easy, giving you access to a whole host of features and benefits, including the ability to shop online quickly and easily, track your packages and view your parcel history. orders.
By registering online you will need to enter an E-mail address and a Password to then be able to access your dedicated area via login.
You will then be asked for the following information:
- Contact information: name, surname, e-mail
We invite you to keep your references up-to-date to avoid unpleasant inconveniences during the order process or during the billing phase.
NOTE: when registering, it is essential to indicate your correct e-mail address.
You can customize your My DHM account: select the country of residence and the type of customer by specifying the requests indicated. The account that will be created will have specific features based on the choices made *.
* Once you have set up your account you will not be able to independently change the type or specifications, if necessary please contact Customer Service. In the event that the selection during registration does not correspond to the actual type of customer, we reserve the right to change your status and related benefits without notice.
Are you already registered?
Log in here and make the most of your account.