This mechanical sensor is a limit switch manufactured by Omron.
It can be used in several applications, in particular, however, it is the limit switch used in the mechanical version of the Voron Tap.
The Voron TAP is an upgrade released by Voron as a print plane leveling sensor (z-probe) for 3D printers Voron. It is the alternative to inductive sensors and provides several advantages including lower sensitivity to hotened and printbed temepratures, better handling of the position reading mechanism managed by a linear guide - limit switch pair.
Package contains: 1 x D2HW-C203MR limit switch - Omron
The item you receive may differ in some features from the one pictured, depending on the production batch, or the condition in which the photos were taken. Despite this, functionality is maintained.
Interrupteur De Fin De Course D2HW-C203MR - Omron Adapté À Voron Tap Omron Reference: 19620004 Bonjour madame monsieur . Votre description est très détaillée sauf qu'il me manque les dimensions exactes du composant pour le commander, afin qu'il ...
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Vous trouverez les dimensions exactes de l'Interrupteur De Fin De Course D2HW-C203MR - Omron dans les images suivantes.
Nous espérons que ces informations vous seront utiles pour votre commande.