Structural extruded aluminum 15x15 profiles cut to size - length expressed in millimeters (mm) ATTENTION TOLERANCE ON CUTTING OF +/- 0.5mm Turnaround time 24/48h on stock material What does series 3 mean? The profiles feature slots 5 millimeters wide. These lightweight and cost-effective profiles have an important peculiarity: they have a transparent anodized surface treatment. Therefore they can be installed even in unfavorable environments. By choosing the appropriate combination of slots, they can be used for a variety of installation types. For example, they are ideal for making customizable guards and structures. Among other Series 3 products you can find pre-assembly or post-assembly T-nuts, screws and accessories compatible with all the configurations you can achieve by customizing your Series 3 profile! One of our services is product customization, especially cutting to size. We offer cutting to size using cut-off machines and cutting benches, with the possibility of selecting the material best suited to your needs by customizing thicknesses, diameters and lengths. On request you can take advantage of sizes other than those provided by the configurator and various other types of processing: drilling, threading, tapping, end milling, groove creation, sanding, satin finishing, coloring and packaging. You can use the contact form opposite or contact us by e-mail.
Buongiorno, vorrei creare un progetto con questi profili (1515), il mio dubbio e' se fosse possibile montare su di essi un binario della serie mgn9? di 9mm di larghezza. Sui profili 2020 questo non e' possibile per la larghezza della cava.
Salve, sui profili 1515 vengono solitamente installate le guide lineari MGN7.
Le guide MGN9 e MGN12, invece, possono essere installate sul profilo 2020 con cava da 6mm.