Processing is a free, beginner-friendly programming language designed to help non-programmers create interactive art with code. In Processing, you can make a masterpiece with just a simple program, and at the click of a button, the software displays your handiwork on-screen for instant feedback.
The SparkFun Guide to Processing teaches you to craft your own digital artwork and even combine it with hardware?no prior programming experience required. Over the course of the book, you?ll learn the basics by drawing simple shapes, move on to photo editing and video manipulation, and ultimately affect the physical world by using Processing with an Arduino.
Work through an array of projects that increase steadily in complexity to:
Make detailed pixel art and scale it to epic proportions
Write a maze game and build a MaKey MaKey controller with fruit buttons
Play, record, and sample audio to create your own soundboard
Fetch weather data from the Web and build a custom weather dashboard
Create visualizations that change based on sound, light, and temperature readings
Art and programming aren?t mutually exclusive, and with Processing as your digital paint brush, you?ll code your own gallery in no time.
Derek is our Department of Education?s Educational Technologist, responsible for creating outstanding curriculum and materials for electronics education. Before joining us at SparkFun, Derek taught middle school technology courses that were centered on Processing and Arduino.
Note: This book is Processing 3.0 compatible.
Author: Derek Runberg
Publisher: No Starch Press
Paperback: 232 pages
ISBN-10: 1593276125
ISBN-13: 978-1593276126